Internal Carbon

Implement the best tool for achieving reduction targets

Build financial models into climate scenarios

Track performance against emissions targets

Align business strategy with transparent and segmented targets built around emission pathways

Understand financial impact and progress against targets with robust scenario analysis

Define an internal carbon price approach and value

Quantify targets, emissions gaps, and carbon budgets seamlessly

Implement pricing mechanisms based on the best business approach

Build resilience

Strengthen communication with capital markets based on meticulous datasets

Enhance transparency in your value chain with detailed and comprehensive data trails

SINAI Decarbonization Platform

Measure & report scope 1-3 emissions
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Forecast future
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Low-Carbon Scenarios
Explore emission reduction opportunities
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Carbon Price
Quantify targets, emissions gaps, prices, & budgets
Value Chain Management
Work with your supply chain to decarbonize products
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What customers say

Carlos Almiro de Magalhães Melo
Head of Corporate Sustainability
BRK Ambiental started using SINAI at an important stage in our Climate Change Strategy. In only two months, we were able to engage several teams on the climate change agenda. SINAI presents carbon pricing in a simple and objective way and this was key to engage the board.
Rafael Oliveira Silva
Corporate EHS Specialist, Siemens Energy
With the SINAI’s software, our process has been deeply improved in the tracking, analysis, and decision making, since our emission inventory and results are available in detail and, accurately right after the data input. We are ready to move forward with the next steps in our neutralization journey.

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