Consumer Goods
Sector Decarbonization

More than 90% of emissions
live in its value chains

Take control of
value chain-wide emissions

Manage intensity, absolute emissions, activity data, and suppliers on the same online platform

Perform automated cost-benefit analysis of vs. new equipment, infrastructure and processes to find the optimal decarbonization projects

Connect your supply chain to analyze and report emissions data and opportunities

Value Chain Management

Capitalize on the
opportunities of a
transitioning economy

Align brand values with simplified,
data driven reporting for CDP, SASB, GRI, TCFD, & other frameworks using robust inventory tools

Understand the transition risks your organization is facing, and evaluate opportunities to evolve

SINAI Decarbonization Platform

Measure and report Scope 1-3 emissions
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Forecast future
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Low-Carbon Scenarios
Explore emission reduction opportunities
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Carbon Pricing
Quantify targets, emissions gaps, prices, & budgets
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Value Chain Management
Work with your value chain to decarbonize products
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Join the low-carbon revolution

Request demo