Decarbonizing Utilities

Upgrade operations & invest in the long-term

Capitalize on the
opportunities of a
transitioning economy

Keep up with investor scrutiny, policy demand & evolving competition - and simplify reporting for CDP, SASB, GRI, TCFD, & other frameworks

Gain access to green financing
and achieve net-zero targets

Decouple growth
and emissions reductions

Demonstrate the ability to meet growing
demand while reducing emissions

Develop competitive and
cost-effective technology roadmaps

SINAI Decarbonization Platform

Measure and report Scope 1-3 emissions
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Forecast future
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Low-Carbon Scenarios
Explore emission reduction opportunities
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Carbon Price
Quantify targets, emissions gaps, prices, & budgets
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Value Chain Management
Work with your value chain to decarbonize products
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Join the low-carbon revolution

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